Hobby Encouraging Loving Prayer (H.E.L.P.)
Our prayer cannot be reduced to an hour on Sundays. It is important to have a daily relationship with the Lord." ~ Pope Francis
"The longer we pray, the more we realize prayer is bigger than we are, more expansive and deeper. When we least expect it, our prayer brings us into further clarity about who we are and how we are to be with God and the world. These experiences encourage us to lessen our stronghold on wanting to control, to know and have proof. Unexpected graced moments in prayer restore our confidence in the process and help us trust our intention to become more loving. These little glimpses encourage us to give ourselves to what we believe to be of most value. We leave the finished product of prayer to the One who knows the longings of our heart," writes Joyce Rupp, author
The body can live without food better than the soul can live without meaning." ~ Richard Rohr